About Me
- My favourite things are writing, reading, and walking a very long way.
- I grew up reading anything and everything, even at night when I was supposed to be asleep. I spent a lot of my pocket money on new batteries for my torch so I could read under the duvet.
- I read almost every book in the children’s fiction section at my village library. Libraries are the most amazing places. Join one!
- I spent my childhood living in a country village in Kent but I’ve lived in London for most of my grown-up life.
- When I was growing up I wanted to be a fiction writer. I ended up being a journalist for a long time. I wasn’t very good at finding stories – I only liked the writing part.
- I get lots of my ideas when I’m soaking in the bath. It’s also a good way to get clean!
- I wear hearing aids and I can lip-read quite well.
- My ambition is to hike the entire coast of Great Britain (but not all at once!).
- I’m scared of snakes. Really, really scared. Sneaky, silent, slithery things. One of the scariest things I’ve ever done was live in a hut at a cattle station in central Australia. Every night I had to check there were no King Brown snakes in my bed before I climbed in. Urgh!
- I love lists!